Having difficulties? These answers might help you.
How is the asset rating determined?
To know how the ratings are determined, please refer to our framework.
Does Crypthi offer paid ratings?
We do not offer paid rating services on our website in order to maintain the transparency of our analyses.
How can I ensure that the ratings are objective?
In our framework, we present the methodology that we try to make as rigorous as possible. We understand that there may be some subjectivity in the analyses, but we strive to base them on our years of experience in the industry.
Why are the ratings so low?
The maximum ratings in each criteria require projects to meet a series of requirements that are generally difficult to meet. After an initial round of 16 analyses, we tried to create a coherent scale of how close projects come to fully meeting these requirements.
How are determined the next projects to be evaluated?
Initially, we will choose the next reviews based on their relevance at the moment. In a second stage, the public will be able to choose the projects to be evaluated through our social media.
How does Crypthi make money?
We use Adsense to ensure profitability from site traffic, and soon we plan to generate additional revenue through a channel and a podcast. In addition, the site serves as a showcase for other services. In this way, we seek to offer quality content for free.
What other services does Crypthi offer or plan to offer in the future?
We act as consultants for crypto projects with a focus on tokenomics development. We also produce educational content such as courses, articles, and materials for presentations.
Does the site list any projects in which Crypthi is involved?
At the moment, we do not have plans to list the projects we are involved in. If in the future the community requests these analyses, we will include an appropriate disclaimer.